Citizen Alternative Transport Initiative
The elixir
of growth that will make Penang livable and
accessible in a sustainable way.
Ong Eu
Why the initiative?
Without integrating transportation
with land use planning, Penang public transit faces the daunting challenge of
creating strategies for policies, technologies, infrastructure, and business
models that pave a path to the future. The challenge lies in creating
strategies that lead to scalable solutions for meeting growth in demand,
including strategies affecting the communication, navigation and transit
oriented development. We need a transit oriented land use policy that gear
towards transportation improvements to make land more accessible and so
increase the likelihood that it will be developed or redeveloped.
Unfortunately, we only have policies that make our transportation worst and our
traffic congestion become chaotic.
The wanton changes that made to the
development density against the permissible maximum density with total
disregard to traffic management is contributing to serious environmental
problems and urban sprawl. What is an urban sprawl? The rapid expansion of
metropolitan areas through building housing developments and shopping centers
farther and farther from urban centers and lacing them together with more and
more major highways. Widespread development that has occurred without any
overall land-use plan. This is the type of development envisaged by Lim Guan
Eng administration, it is characterized
by high densities, few transportation options, and rigid separation of
residences, jobs, and shops, that will exacerbate air and water pollution,
noise pollution, habitat loss, and a
decline in ecosystem functions. It can also increase the demands on the road
system and reduce the efficiency of the system, as the same number of people
and same level of economic activity generates more and longer trips. Managing
these challenges is particularly demanding when transportation and land use are
planned separately, as they are in most localities.
On Feb 28,2013, the Chief Minister finally confirmed that the
state government has awarded the RM8bil tender to construct road and undersea
tunnel projects on the island to Malaysia-China joint venture Con-sortium Zenith BUCG Sdn Bhd. This is the
most expensive road expansion project in Malaysia since independent.
The decision to build more roads instead of improving the public
transport system go against the motto of Penang Transport Council: moving the
people, not cars. This go against it's promises of seeking a new approach in
handling public transport and mobility. The state government promised to adopt
a new vision paradigm in tackling transport, one that moves people away from
our dependence on private transport mode to a more economically and
ecologically sustainable public transport system. The biggest and most
formidable challenge for the Penang Transport Council is to fight against the
the adrenaline rush of Lim Guan Eng which it failed dismally.
The council is made up of “state and city council members, civil servants, university professors, professionals, stakeholders, and members of the public with no spine or sense of dignity. They have failed to deliver their promises of moving the people, not cars. They have allowed Lim Guan Eng to usurp their decision making authority and to trivialize their expertise. They have allowed Lim Guan Eng to persist in pressing onward all the road construction solutions to the bewilderment of sustainable transit advocates.
The council is made up of “state and city council members, civil servants, university professors, professionals, stakeholders, and members of the public with no spine or sense of dignity. They have failed to deliver their promises of moving the people, not cars. They have allowed Lim Guan Eng to usurp their decision making authority and to trivialize their expertise. They have allowed Lim Guan Eng to persist in pressing onward all the road construction solutions to the bewilderment of sustainable transit advocates.
The worst thing that ever happened to
us is the way money was spent on transit infrastructure that do not benefit us.
The state government only need about
USD$500million or RM1.5 billion
to implement a BRT based on the following specification:
Length of BRT Service Route
per direction
Length of Feeder Service Route
per direction
Number of BRT Station with security camera and
emergency call
2km interval
Number of air conditioned BRT buses
5km interval
Number of air conditioned Feeder
5km interval
Terminal Facilities
Depot Facilities
Restroom at Terminal
Taxi Stand at station
Bicycle Parking at Station
Pedestrian crosswalk with signal
Pedestrian bridge at station
Improvements to pedestrian access ways
Kiss-and-ride facilities only
(Drop-off point no parking)
5 unit
Park-and-ride facility (open lot parking)
5 unit
Park-and-ride facility (multi-level parking)
2 unit
intermediate transfer station
10 unit
intermediate transfer station for multiple feeder services
8 unit
Control centre (including software)
1 unit
Public shared bicycle program
400 stations with 12,000 bikes
With half of the stations and bikes
at BRT stations
Penang Outer Ring Transit Corridor
Stop at 2km interval
Penang Central Transit Corridor
Stop at 2km interval
Penang Mainland Rapid Transit Corridor
Stop at 2km interval
BEST Corridor
No stopover
Total cost
RM1.5 billion
Total cost per km
RM15 million
The estimate has been compiled using
the BRT infrastructure cost estimation calculator provided by IDTP.
BRT system has a service route with a total length of 100km. It consists of 4
main transit corridors, i.e. Penang Outer Ring Transit Corridor (40km), Penang
Central Transit Corridor (25km), Penang Mainland Transit Corridor(35km) and the
existing BEST transit Corridor (20km). A total of 8 large intermediate
transfer station for multiple feeder services are allocated to link up all the
corridors to complete the loop for a total solution. The BRT system also
has a feeder bus system of 50 buses operated at 5km interval at peak hour with
10 standard intermediate transfer stations to link up with existing public
bus services.
BRT station has 2 public shared bicycle stations with 60 public shared bicycles
for easy renting.
BRT system is complimented by a large public shared bicycle program of 400
stations with 12,000 units of bicycles to serve commuter's need. It also put
emphasis on improving pedestrian walking by allocating a budget of
RM35,5million for pedestrian crosswalk, pedestrian bridge and improvements to
pedestrian access ways (100km).
If the government drop the RM780
million upgrading project for the three
main roads linking Penang second bridge on the island, with the money
saved we only need to come out with less
than RM800 million for this sustainable solution. This budget is something that
the MPPP and MPSP can afford to pay especially when it is spread across 5 years
Why wasting our money in the tunes of
billions for white elephant projects with dubious economic viability, when we
can have an affordable transit solution?
This solution cost only a fiction of
RM6.8billion mega projects. No concession need to be given. No toll to be paid.
No environmental impact. No major financial risk. No wastage of land resources.
It is a sustainable solution, the elixir of growth that will make Penang
livable and accessible in a sustainable way.
Therefore it is imperative for us to
initiate a Bus Rapid Transit solution complement by cycling and pedestrian
travel to solve our traffic woes. We should not
wait for Lim Guan Eng administration or the federal government to find
way to understand and respond to the inextricably link between land use and
public transport in a way that fulfills
natural resource and quality-of-life objectives while fulfilling community
economic objectives.
Statement of Vision
an economically and ecologically sustainable cost effective
public transit system that moves people away from over-dependence on private
This is captured in the simple motto:
" Moving People
NOT Cars "
Benefits of Public Transport
The benefits of public transport
initiatives is as follows:
saving benefits to transit users
Quality of Life
saving benefits to mixed traffic vehicles
efficiency for goods and services
saving from public transport operations
Reduce fuel
expenditures for public transport operators
Reduce fuel
expenditures for mixed traffic vehicles
dependency on fuel
Reduced usage
of domestic supply
quality improvements (reduced emissions of CO, NOx, PM, and SOx
Human health
Preservation of
built environment
Preservation of
natural environment
gas emission reductions
Noise and
vibration reductions
Human healt
Labour and
education productivity
environment improvements
Reduced solid
and liquid waste
Reduced impact
on flora and fauna
Property values
Shop sales
system employment
employment Commercial sector
benefits to transit passengers
Comfort of
Prestige of
system Social benefit
Reductions in
crime and social problems in area
of street environment
Equity for low
income group
Increase civic
pride and sense of community
City-wide pride
sustainable urban form, including densification of major corridors
Reduced cost of
delivery services such as electricity, sanitation and water.
Delivery of
mass transit system within one political term
Delivery of
high quality resource that will
produce positive results for virtually all voting groups.
Bus Rapid Transit
The following
subsections are excerpts from Bus Rapid Transit Planning Guide of IDTP:
◦ Introduction
to public transport technologies
◦ Public
transport topologies
◦ Type of
public transport topologies
◦ Criteria in
technology selection
◦ Vehicle
Station Interface
◦ Off-board
fare collection and fare verification
Platform level boarding
Introduction to public
transport technologies
“The technologies which have had the most profound effects on
human life are usually simple.” -Freeman
Dyson, physicist, 1923-
transport topologies
Public transport in its broadest sense refers to
collective passenger services. It can thus include the assortment of both the
para-transit and formal services found
in cities around the world. Public transport thus encompasses shared taxis,mini-vans,
conventional bus services, BRT, water based services, and rail based services.
More specifically, Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) is a
collective urban passengers service that operates at high level of customer
performance, especially with regard to travel times and passenger carrying capacity.
Mass Rapid Transit can achieve reduced travel times through the provision of
widely accessible networks, higher speed
vehicles, exclusive right of way infrastructure, special limited stop or
express services, efficient rate collection systems, and /or faster boarding
and alighting techniques. Higher carrying capacities may also be achieved
through larger vehicles, multiple sets of vehicles(ie., bus platoon or a
train), and/or more frequent services.
Type of public transport
The following defines the major categories of public
transport topologies. No one of these options is inherently correct or
incorrect. Local conditions and local preferences play a significant role in
determining the preferred system type.
Bus Rapid Transit
(BRT)- Bus based technology typically operating on
exclusive right of way lanes at the surface level; in some cases underpasses or
tunnels are utilised to provide grade separation at intersections or in dense
city centers.
Light Rail
Transit (LRT) – Electric rail-based technology operating either
as a single rail car or as a short train of cars, typically on
exclusive right of way lanes at the surface level with overhead electrical
Trams – Trams can
also be considered as a type of LRT, but
typically utilised smaller sized carriages and may share road space with other
forms of traffic.
Underground metro
– A heavy rail transit system operating on grade separated tracks that
are located principally underground.
Elevated rail
transit - A rail
transit system operating on grade separated tracks that are located principally
on an aerial structure; elevated systems can also considered a form of metro.
Suburban rail - A heavy rail transit system operating on exclusive right of way tracks that are
located at the surface level but
generally grade separated; typically
carries passengers between suburban and urban
locations; differs from other urban rail systems by the fact that
carriages are heavier and the distances traveled are usually longer.
Personal rapid transit
(PRT) - A rail or
wheel based system carrying passengers in small Automatic Guided Vehicles (AGV)
; PRT typically operates on exclusive rights of way lanes that may also be grade separated. The
ideas behind PRT is to combine the flexibility of taxi services with the
automation of fixed track systems. More suitable for high density apartments or
flats to transfer passengers or goods to
transit stations.
in technology selection
The decision to
select a particular technology depends upon many factors. Costs,
performance characteristics, local conditions, and personal preferences have
historically all played a role in the decision making process.
Factors in choosing a type of public transport
Capital costs(infrastructure
and property cost)
Operating costs
and management
Planning and
implementation time
Management and
versus homogeneity
Travel time / speed
Image and
Social impacts
Urban impacts
Public transport decision matrix
rail / elevated rail systems
High to
very high passenger demand (30,000 to 80,000 pphpd)
· High commercial speeds (28-35 kph)
· Attracts discretionary public transport riders
· Uses relatively little pubic space
· Low local air emissions
· Good service image
Very high
infrastructure costs
(US$45million to US$350million per km)
May require
operational subsidies
Poor revenue
recovery during non-peak periods
development and construction times
integration with feeder systems
rail transit (LRT)
passenger demand (5,000 to 12,000 pphpd)
· Attracts discretionary public transport riders
· Quiet ride performance
· Can be fitted to narrow streets
· Low local air emissions
· Good service image
· Moderate high infrastructure costs (US$15million to
US$45million per km)
· May require operational subsidies
· Limitations with respect to passenger capacity
· Long development and construction times
Bus rapid
transit (BRT)
Low to
high passenger demand (3,000 to 45,000 pphpd)
· Relative low infrastructure costs (US$0.5million to
US$14million per km)
· Often do not require operational subsidies
· Good average commercial speeds (20-30 kph)
· Ease of integration with feeder systems
· short development and implementation times
· Good service image
· Can carry with it the negative stigma of bus technology
· Relative unknown to many decision makers
bus services
Low passenger demand (500 to 5,000 pphpd)
· Low infrastructure costs
· Relative low operating cost
· Appropriate for small cities or rural areas with low
· Poor service image
· Often lacking in basic customer amenity and comfort
Regular loses mode share to private vehicles
The infrastructure costs is a pre-eminent decision
making factor. Without the federal funding and support, the state government is
unable to undertake any project that involved huge investment. BRT is the preference as it is low cost and
can be undertake by private business entity. The planning,development and
implementation also shorter compare to all other type of public transport topologies. A BRT system will likely permit a city to
build a network 4 to 20 times more extensive than a tram or light rail system
if the same budget is applied to both technologies. Thus, BRT is capable of
providing more value for the given investment.
The relative robustness of capital cost projections
is also an important consideration. Higher cost options tends to demonstrate
greater disparity between projected and
actual costs. As the estimated budget increases, a greater range of variables
may tend to create uncertainty in the figures. This disparity translates into
greater financial risk for those undertaking the project.
The long term financial sustainability of a public
transport projects is highly dependent upon the on going operating costs of the
system. These costs can include vehicle amortisation, labour, fuel,
maintenance, and spare parts. If a system requires on-going subsidies, the
financial strain can end up affecting the effectiveness of both the municipal
government and the public transport service to customer. The level of operating
cost will often also be related to the expected fare levels of service, and
thus will ultimately affect affordability and issue of social equity.
Ideally, a public transport transport project can be
planned and implemented within a single political term. This short time span
would provide an additional incentive, as the project initiator would want to
finish the project in time to reap the political rewards.
BRT planning typically can be completed in a 12
month to 18 month time horizon.
Corridor Identification
Penang Outer Ring Rapid Transit Corridor
The stretch of
road from Telok Pahang to midway of Tanjung Bungah is consider as “cul-de-sac”
(a dead end road) , the carrying capacity of that stretch of road is reaching
it’s maximum. Further development along the route will caused serious traffic
woes. There is no way for us to expand the road due to the nature topography,
the proposal to build a tunnel is too costly. Moreover, the road is narrow. By
discouraging the use of private vehicles with the implementation of an
economical and ecological sustainable BRT is the only way we can reduce the
traffic flow. Therefore it is imperative that we solve the traffic need using
BRT to cater for the growing tourism industry and sprouting development along
the coastal line.
The subsequent
stretch of the route along the coastal road from Tanjung Bungah, Gurney Drive,
Jalan Sultan Ahmad Shah, Lebuh Farquhar, Lebuh Light , Lebuh Pantai ,Lebuh
Downing , Pengkalan Weld, Lebuhraya Lim Chong Eu to Batu Maung Maung face the
problem of intense development arising from large scale land reclamation. Soon
the traffic will become a nightmare. For this reason the Penang Outer Ring Road
was proposed which is not well received by Penangites.
We can have our own BRT connecting Telok Pahang to
Batu Maung if we established the route that pass through Telok Pahang, Batu
Feringgi, Tanjung Bungah, Tanjung Tokong, Gurney Drive , Jalan Sultan Ahmad Shah,
Lebuh Farquhar, Lebuh Light , Lebuh
Pantai , Lebuh Downing , Pengkalan Weld, Lebuhraya Lim Chong Eu and Batu Maung
as the Penang Outer Ring Rapid Transit Corridor.
Penang Central Rapid Transit Corridors
One of the biggest obstacles in
improving the ridership of bus transit on Penang
island is the lack of visibility of route networking. Under decades of misrule
of Koh Tzu Kon, the island is left with only 4 transit stations making the
built environment totally transit unfriendly. The half century old centralized
hub-and-spoke model which use Weld Quay(Jetty) as the central hub for
interchange has reaches the limits of its scalability. The problem is
compounded by the poor visibility of route networking.
If you ask a commuter to travel from Air Hitam to Gurney
Drive without travelling via Weld Quay or Komtar using bus interchange in the
most efficient and effective manner, no one can come out with a good answer.
When a commuter face this kind of problem, how do you expect the normal car
users to opt for bus transit. If a commuter is force to make bus interchange at
Weld Quay or Komtar, unnecessary trip will involve, which will prove to be time
consuming. If a commuter who is unfamiliar with the destination he want to
travel using bus transit and unsure about where to stop or where to take a bus,
do you seriously think the habitual car drivers will opt for bus transit.
Bus transit ridership will only be able to improve if
the route networking visibility is improved. To solve the traffic woes on
Penang island, the first thing is to do is to complement the existing hub and spoke topology for route
networking with the BRT.
We need central transit corridors
to provide the interconnection for the existing conventional bus system to
improve the route networking visibility.
The BRT servicing routes for the
central rapid transit corridors :
Paya Terubung - Jalan
Air Hitam-Jalan Masjid Negeri - Jalan Scotland - Jalan Utama- Jalan Gottlieb
- Jalan Bagan Jermal -Gurney Drive -Interchange
at Jalan Masjid Negeri
Paya Terubung - Jalan
Air Hitam - Jalan Dato Keramat - Jalan Magazine-Jalan Ria - Komtar
Terminal--Jalan Ria - Jalan Lim Chwee leong - Jalan Pinang - Lebuh Chulia -
Pengkalan Weld
- Interchange at Jalan Masjid Negeri, Jalan Dato Keramat
Paya Terubung-- Jalan
Air Hitam-Jalan Masjid Negeri -Jalan Tunku Kudin-Tesco (Taman Kudin) -
Lebuhraya Lim Chong Eu - Interchange
at Jalan Masjid Negeri
Lebuhraya Lim Chong
Eu- Tesco (Taman Kudin) -Jalan Tunku Kudin-Jalan Masjid Negeri - Jalan
Scotland - Jalan Utama - Jalan Gottlieb - Jalan Bagan Jermal - Gurney Drive
- Interchange at Jalan Masjid Negeri
Lebuhraya Lim Chong
Eu- Tesco (Taman Kudin) -Jalan Tunku Kudin-Jalan Masjid Negeri Jalan Dato Keramat - Jalan Magazine-Jalan
Ria - Komtar Terminal--Jalan Ria - Jalan Lim Chwee leong - Jalan Pinang -
Lebuh Chulia - Pengkalan Weld
- Interchange at Jalan Masjid Negeri
Gurney Drive - Jalan Bagan Jermal - Jalan Gottlieb - Jalan Utama - Jalan Scotland- Jalan Masjid Negeri- Jalan Dato Keramat -
Jalan Magazine-Jalan Ria - Komtar Terminal--Jalan Ria - Jalan Lim Chwee leong
- Jalan Pinang - Lebuh Chulia - Pengkalan Weld
- Interchange at Jalan Masjid Negeri
Penang Mainland Rapid Transit Corridor
We need the BRT to provide efficient bus service
for connecting the various towns on the mainland using the old federal trunk
The route for the Penang Mainland Rapid Transit
Corridor should connect the following towns at the old federal trunk road:
Butterworth, Chain Ferry, Prai, Bukit Tengah,
Bukit Tinggi, Simpang Ampang, Valdor, Sungai Bakap, Nibong Tebal.
Bridge Express Shuttle Transit Corridor
Bridge Express Shuttle Transit is the
safe, stress free and convenient way to travel to work. Currently Rapid Penang
provides the following Bridge Express Shuttle Transit services.
A Route
Morning Trip -Sunway Carnival Hub to Bukit Jambul Hub
There are 9 journeys by BEST A each morning using five buses, four of which make 2 trips. The journeys start from Sunway Carnival at 5:30 am, 5:50 am, 6:10 am, 6:30 am, 6:50 am, 7:10 am, 7:30 am, 7:50 am and 8:10 am. The stops are:
Sunway Carnival-Penang Bridge Toll Plaza (10 min later) - Queensbay Mall (18 min later) - Seagate (3 min later) - PSDC (1 min later) - Osram (1 min later) - Towam (5 min later) - BBraun (2 min later) - Sunshine Square (5 min later) - Bukit Jambul (13 min later) - Sunway Carnival* (23 min later).
* only for buses making two trips.
Evening Trip - Bukit Jambul Hub to Sunway Carnival Hub
There are 9 journeys by BEST A each evening using five buses, four of which make 2 trips. The journeys start from Bukit Jambul at 4:30 pm, 4:50 pm, 5:10 pm, 5:30 pm, 5:50 pm, 6:20 pm, 6:40 pm, 7:00 pm and 7:20 pm. The stops are:
Bukit Jambul - Osram (7 min later) - Towam (4 min later) - BBraun (3 min later) - Jalan Tengah (5 min later) - PSDC (5 min later) - Seagate (3 min later) - Tun Dr Awang Roundabout (9 min later) - Penang Bridge (10 min later) - Perai Jaya (28 min later) - Sunway Carnival (7 min later) - Bukit Jambul* (27 min later).
* only for buses making two trips.
There are 9 journeys by BEST A each morning using five buses, four of which make 2 trips. The journeys start from Sunway Carnival at 5:30 am, 5:50 am, 6:10 am, 6:30 am, 6:50 am, 7:10 am, 7:30 am, 7:50 am and 8:10 am. The stops are:
Sunway Carnival-Penang Bridge Toll Plaza (10 min later) - Queensbay Mall (18 min later) - Seagate (3 min later) - PSDC (1 min later) - Osram (1 min later) - Towam (5 min later) - BBraun (2 min later) - Sunshine Square (5 min later) - Bukit Jambul (13 min later) - Sunway Carnival* (23 min later).
* only for buses making two trips.
Evening Trip - Bukit Jambul Hub to Sunway Carnival Hub
There are 9 journeys by BEST A each evening using five buses, four of which make 2 trips. The journeys start from Bukit Jambul at 4:30 pm, 4:50 pm, 5:10 pm, 5:30 pm, 5:50 pm, 6:20 pm, 6:40 pm, 7:00 pm and 7:20 pm. The stops are:
Bukit Jambul - Osram (7 min later) - Towam (4 min later) - BBraun (3 min later) - Jalan Tengah (5 min later) - PSDC (5 min later) - Seagate (3 min later) - Tun Dr Awang Roundabout (9 min later) - Penang Bridge (10 min later) - Perai Jaya (28 min later) - Sunway Carnival (7 min later) - Bukit Jambul* (27 min later).
* only for buses making two trips.
BEST B Route
Morning Trip - Sunway Carnival Hub to Bukit Jambul Hub
There are 9 journeys by BEST B each morning using five buses, four of which make 2 trips. The journeys start from Sunway Carnival at 5:30 am, 5:50 am, 6:10 am, 6:30 am, 6:50 am, 7:10 am, 7:30 am, 7:50 am and 8:10 am. The stops are:
Sunway Carnival - Penang Bridge Toll Plaza (10 min later) - Queensbay Mall (18 min later) - Intel (5 min later) - Jabil (3 min later) - PSDC (2 min later) - Seagate (3 min later) - Sunshine Square (4 min later) - PISA (1 min later) - Bukit Jambul (3 min later) - Sunway Carnival* (28 min later).
* only for buses making two trips.
Evening Trip - Bukit Jambul Hub to Sunway Carnival Hub
There are eight journeys by BEST B each evening using five buses, three of which make 2 trips. The journeys start from Bukit Jambul at 4:30 pm, 4:55 pm, 5:20 pm, 5:45 pm, 6:10 pm, 6:35 pm, 7:00 pm and 7:25 pm. The stops are:
Bukit Jambul - Intel (6 min later) - Jabil (5 min later) - AMD (2 min later) - Kastam (1 min later) - PSDC (2 min later) - Seagate (3 min later) - Tun Dr Awang Roundabout (10 min later) - Penang Bridge (10 min later) - Perai Jaya (27 min later) - Sunway Carnival (12 min later) - Bukit Jambul* (46 min later).
* only for buses making two trips.
There are 9 journeys by BEST B each morning using five buses, four of which make 2 trips. The journeys start from Sunway Carnival at 5:30 am, 5:50 am, 6:10 am, 6:30 am, 6:50 am, 7:10 am, 7:30 am, 7:50 am and 8:10 am. The stops are:
Sunway Carnival - Penang Bridge Toll Plaza (10 min later) - Queensbay Mall (18 min later) - Intel (5 min later) - Jabil (3 min later) - PSDC (2 min later) - Seagate (3 min later) - Sunshine Square (4 min later) - PISA (1 min later) - Bukit Jambul (3 min later) - Sunway Carnival* (28 min later).
* only for buses making two trips.
Evening Trip - Bukit Jambul Hub to Sunway Carnival Hub
There are eight journeys by BEST B each evening using five buses, three of which make 2 trips. The journeys start from Bukit Jambul at 4:30 pm, 4:55 pm, 5:20 pm, 5:45 pm, 6:10 pm, 6:35 pm, 7:00 pm and 7:25 pm. The stops are:
Bukit Jambul - Intel (6 min later) - Jabil (5 min later) - AMD (2 min later) - Kastam (1 min later) - PSDC (2 min later) - Seagate (3 min later) - Tun Dr Awang Roundabout (10 min later) - Penang Bridge (10 min later) - Perai Jaya (27 min later) - Sunway Carnival (12 min later) - Bukit Jambul* (46 min later).
* only for buses making two trips.
BEST C Route
Morning Trip - Sunway Carnival Hub to Bukit Jambul Hub There are nine
journeys by BEST C each morning using six buses, three of which make 2 trips.
The journeys start from Sunway Carnival at 5:30 am, 5:50 am, 6:10 am, 6:30 am, 6:50 am, 7:10 am, 7:30 am,
7:50 am and 8:10 am. The stops are:
Sunway Carnival - Penang Bridge Toll Plaza (10 min later) - Queensbay Mall (18 min later) - Seagate (4 min later) - Jabil (3 min later) - Schenker (2 min later) - Pentamaster (2 min later) - Zhulian (2 min later) - Dell/Dufu (4 min later) - Bukit Jambul (9 min later) - Sunway Carnival* (38 min later)
* only for buses making two trips.
Sunway Carnival - Penang Bridge Toll Plaza (10 min later) - Queensbay Mall (18 min later) - Seagate (4 min later) - Jabil (3 min later) - Schenker (2 min later) - Pentamaster (2 min later) - Zhulian (2 min later) - Dell/Dufu (4 min later) - Bukit Jambul (9 min later) - Sunway Carnival* (38 min later)
* only for buses making two trips.
Evening Trip - Bukit Jambul Hub to Sunway Carnival Hub
There are ten journeys by BEST B each evening using six buses, four of which make 2 trips. The journeys start from Bukit Jambul at 4:30 pm, 4:50 pm, 5:10 pm, 5:30 pm, 5:50 pm, 6:10 pm, 6:30 pm, 6:50 pm, 7:10 pm and 7:30 pm. The stops are:
Bukit Jambul - Seagate (6 min later) - Jabil (3 min later) - Schenker (3 min later) - Pentamaster (2 min later) - Zhulian (2 min later) - Dell/Dufu (6 min later) - Tun Dr Awang Roundabout (15 min later) - Penang Bridge (8 min later) - Perai Jaya (22 min later) - Sunway Carnival (10 min later) - Bukit Jambul* (31 min later).
There are ten journeys by BEST B each evening using six buses, four of which make 2 trips. The journeys start from Bukit Jambul at 4:30 pm, 4:50 pm, 5:10 pm, 5:30 pm, 5:50 pm, 6:10 pm, 6:30 pm, 6:50 pm, 7:10 pm and 7:30 pm. The stops are:
Bukit Jambul - Seagate (6 min later) - Jabil (3 min later) - Schenker (3 min later) - Pentamaster (2 min later) - Zhulian (2 min later) - Dell/Dufu (6 min later) - Tun Dr Awang Roundabout (15 min later) - Penang Bridge (8 min later) - Perai Jaya (22 min later) - Sunway Carnival (10 min later) - Bukit Jambul* (31 min later).
* only for buses making two trips.
The return
trips of the BEST is now empty, it should be used to ferry those who stay in
the island to the various industrial zones in the main land. The state
government should negotiate with Bukit
Jambul Complex to provide parking space for this purpose. The Sungai Nibong
pesta car park can be used for the BEST park and ride scheme as well.
Penang should launch free feeder bus
service from Sunway
Carnival for commuters to go to the various industrial zones, i.e. Bukit Tengah
Industrial Park, Prai Industrial Estate, and Mak Mandin Industrial Estate. This
will help reduce the operating cost of BEST services and gain more ridership.
make the BEST system work more efficiently, a monthly pass can be introduced
for commuters to enjoy attractive season parking rates at designated sites as well as
"chauffered convenience", via public transport. This will ease the planning of Rapid
4.7 The Factors
affecting the performance of BRT
Vehicle Station Interface

Fig. 1: Transit Station of Curitiba BRT
Fig. 2.: Transit station of Bogota BRT
![]() |
The innovation introduced by Curitiba system,
beginning in 1974, profoundly shaped the course of BRT. In particular, 4 of the
most important innovations from Curitiba involved the vehicle-station
1. Pre-board fare collection and fare verification;
2. At-level, platform boarding;
3. Efficient vehicle alignment to station;
4. Wide, multiple doorways;
Sufficient customer space on
station platform.
Off-board fare collection and fare verification
Most BRT systems since Curitiba have instituted
external or off-board fare collection and fare verification. Passengers pay
their fare prior to entering the
station, and then have their fare
verified as they pass the entry turnstile.
With most conventional bus services, the driver
is responsible for the collection of fares as well as driving the vehicle, and
passengers are only allowed to enter through the front door. Thus, on-board
fare collection means that boarding time is largely determined by the fare
collection activity. If the fare collection is slow, the whole public transport
service is slow. Typically passengers take from 2 to 4 seconds just to pay the
driver. If the driver also have to give passengers change manually, even longer
delays are seen. Once passenger flows reach a certain point, the delay and time
loss associated with on-board fare collection become a significant system
Off-board payment also facilitates free transfers
within the system. The enclosed, controlled stations also give the system
another level of security, as the stations can be better protected by security
personal, and thus discouraging theft and other undesirable activities. It will
also eliminate the fare discrepancies problem associated with on -board payment
Platform level boarding
To further reduce boarding and alighting
times,most state of art BRT systems have introduced platform level boarding.
With platform level boarding, the stopping bay platform is designed to be the
same height as the vehicle floor. This allow for fast boarding and alighting,
and also allows easier access for the persons with wheelchairs, parents with
strollers, young children and the elderly.
![]() |
Fig. 3: Platform level boarding – Curitiba BRT
Fig. 4: Platform level boarding – Bogota
Choice of vehicle
Selection of BRT vehicle must be carefully
planned as it influences every aspect of transit performance. BRT vehicle
characteristics affect overall levels of service in terms of speed,
reliability, capacity and cost.
For selection of BRT vehicles following aspects
must be taken into consideration.
1. External dimension and capacity
2. Acess
Internal Layout
Doors and Aisle Width
Multiple doorways
Floor Height
3. Fuel Choice
4. Vehicle Guidance
Aesthetics, Identity and
Implementation Strategy
The BRT buses should
run every 15 minutes during peak
hour periods and make fewer stops than local bus service between those
locations. During peak hour periods, all private vehicles should be discourage
from using the routes on the rapid transit corridors. All side parking on the
routes of the rapid transit corridors should be strictly prohibited during
designated peak hour periods. Dedicated bus lanes can be designated along Pengkalan Weld and Lebuhraya Lim Chong Eu.
To maximize flexibility and reduce
the need for transfers, stations will be located at key points along the busway
where passengers can connect to other modes of travel (e.g. cycling, local
transit service). The impact of BRT systems on reducing traffic congestion and air
pollution is even greater when the stations incorporate facilities for
bicyclists and pedestrians. All the stations should be incorporate with free bicycle storage facilities , segregated
cycling facilities and pedestrian walkway.
![]() |
Fig. 6: Bogota BRT station with pedestrian walkway
1) Teluk Bahang station
This station should be integrated with a publicly
shared bicycle scheme
2) Batu Ferrighi station
This station should be integrated with a publicly
shared bicycle scheme
3) Tanjung Bungah station
This station should be integrated with a publicly
shared bicycle scheme
4) Tanjung Tokong station
This station should be integrated with a publicly
shared bicycle scheme
5) Gurney Drive station
This station should be integrated with a publicly
shared bicycle scheme
6) Esplanade station
This station should be integrated with a publicly
shared bicycle scheme
7) Weld Quay station
This station should be integrated with a publicly
shared bicycle scheme
8) Rapid Penang Bus depot at Lebuhraya Lim Chong Eu
9) Macalum station
10) Sungai Pinang station
11) Tunku Kudin station
12) Tesco station
13) The Light station
14) N Park station
15) Queenbay station
16) FTZ station
This station should be integrated with a publicly
shared bicycle scheme
17) Batu Maung station
18) Komtar station
This station should be integrated with a publicly
shared bicycle scheme
19) Air Itam station
This station should be integrated with a publicly
shared bicycle scheme
20) Paya Terubung station
21) Jalan Masjid Negri station
22) Caring Society Complex station
This station should be integrated with a publicly
shared bicycle scheme
23) Youth Park station
This station should be integrated with a publicly
shared bicycle scheme
24) Gottlieb station
25) Dato Keramat station
26) Time Square station
27) Nibong Tebal station
28) Sungai Bakap station
29) Valdor station
30) Simpang Ampang station
31) Bukit Tinggi station
32) Bukit Tengah station
33) Prai station
34) Chain Ferry station
35) Penang Sentral station (Butterworth)
Park and ride scheme for Penang
Hill lately has been plagued with controversy after controversy since the
upgrading of the funicular train system. The frequent breakdown of the new
funicular train system, the construction of a Kancil car park full of flaws,
and the controversial and dystopian sheltered walkway, the resulting chaos due
to tour buses and cars parked haphazardly, the resulting traffic congestion and
long beeline of queue as thousands of tourists swamped the area, all these are
the by product of the piecemeal approach adopted by Lim Guan Eng administration
towards development.
If you think that enough is enough, another scandalous decision to allow the Kek Lo Si temple to build a 1000 car park is threatening to plague the built environment with disastrous destruction and worsen the alredy bad traffic in Air Hitam. Renowned architect Dr Jimmy Lim Cheok Siang, who has been hand picked by Lim Guan Eng to undertake the Penang Hill facelift project, when commented on this scandalous decision described the move like pumping large volume of blood into an already choked blood vein, a move that will have Penangites heart attack.
We have witnessed Lim Guan Eng and Ting Hock Nam spar over the Penang Hill development. How Lim Guan Eng vehemently denied that there is a plan to resume the proposed development by Berjaya in Penang Hill. Now suddenly there is news that Lim Guan Eng administration has approved a 1000 car park facilities for Kek Lo Si temple. The project will involved excavation, trees removal and major landscape change. It also encourage private car use on an already congested road at Air Hitam.
If you think that enough is enough, another scandalous decision to allow the Kek Lo Si temple to build a 1000 car park is threatening to plague the built environment with disastrous destruction and worsen the alredy bad traffic in Air Hitam. Renowned architect Dr Jimmy Lim Cheok Siang, who has been hand picked by Lim Guan Eng to undertake the Penang Hill facelift project, when commented on this scandalous decision described the move like pumping large volume of blood into an already choked blood vein, a move that will have Penangites heart attack.
We have witnessed Lim Guan Eng and Ting Hock Nam spar over the Penang Hill development. How Lim Guan Eng vehemently denied that there is a plan to resume the proposed development by Berjaya in Penang Hill. Now suddenly there is news that Lim Guan Eng administration has approved a 1000 car park facilities for Kek Lo Si temple. The project will involved excavation, trees removal and major landscape change. It also encourage private car use on an already congested road at Air Hitam.
For the
Penang Hill station, even if the Kancil car park is not mired in sloppy design
controversy, it can hardly cope with the demand for parking space. Lim Guan Eng
administration should discourage the people from using their private cars to go
to Penang Hill or Kek Lo Si temple. The state government can arrange with
RapidPenang to provide shuttle bus services in a Park and Ride scheme. The
shopping complexes or malls play an important role of providing parking
facilities to commuters. Without parking facilities, it will be very hard to
persuade commuters to opt for public transports or carpooling. Most shopping
complexes would be happy to provide the parking facilities at nominal fees in
order to attract commuters to their complexes especially during economy
downturn. The state government should encourage shopping malls like Tesco and
Sunshine Falim to allocate parking lots to help provide parking spaces for the
Park and Ride facilities. People can park their cars at Tesco or Sunshine Falim
and take a shuttle bus to Penang Hill or Kek Lo Si temple. RapidPenang and the
shopping malls will not be able to reject the offer as the number of tourist
that go to both destination amount to nearby 10 thousand during public holiday
session. The shopping mall can help to adsorb the cost of travelling ticket for
those who purchase above certain amount at their shopping malls.
For those who prefer to use their private vehicle, an exorbitant parking fees should be leveraged to discourage them from using their own vehicle. The road leading to the Penang Hill or Kek Lo Si temple should be classified as towing zone. Any car parked haphazardly should be towed away immediately.
For those who prefer to use their private vehicle, an exorbitant parking fees should be leveraged to discourage them from using their own vehicle. The road leading to the Penang Hill or Kek Lo Si temple should be classified as towing zone. Any car parked haphazardly should be towed away immediately.
BRT Infrastructure Investment
Successful implementation of BRT requires working
closely planned highway projects to insure that BRT infrastructure is
incorporated. Another element critical to the success of BRT is to provide the
necessary level of investment to support the increased ridership demand that
all the corridors will experience. This investment includes capital for BRT
infrastructure and annual funding to pay for operating, maintenance and
administrative costs.
Attached with this initiative is the initial BRT
infrastructure cost that the state government should invest in to make the BRT
a reality.
Integrating Bicycle and Pedestrian Travel
Access trips to
public transportation are often for short distances, and these trips are
excellent candidates for shifting people from single occupancy motor vehicle
(SOY) use to bicycle or pedestrian or intermodal trips. The inability of
conventional bus system to provide comprehensive feeder bus services means we
need to find way to provide for the
optimal use of both non-motorized and public transportation by linking bicycle,
pedestrian and transit travel, and to develop programs which will increase
transit ridership through improved bicycle and pedestrian access.
Nearly all transit
customers are pedestrians, and in the Netherlands, Japan and other places
around the world, as much as 35% of ridership access is by bicycle. Bogota,
Paris, Curitiba, Portland, Seattle, Burlington and Phoenix have all provided
bicycle parking docks and publicly
shared bicycle scheme on their public bus systems, and have experienced
ridership increases.
Bike Sharing Phenomenon
– The History ,Impacts, Models of Provision, and Future by Paul
deMaio (2008)
programmes have received increasing attention in recent years as an answer to
public's desire to increase bicycle usage and lessen the environmental impact
of transportation. Originally a concept from the revolutionary 1960s,
bike-sharing's growth had been slow until new technology spurred a rapid
expansion of this innovative concept.
Bicycles have
several advantages as a mode of transportation for short-distance urban trips;
they reach under-served areas, required less infrastructure and generally do
not add to congestion. In addition, they are relatively inexpensive to purchase
and maintain, do not create pollution in their operation, and provide user with
exercise. Their value is undeniable when one also considers that these bicycles
may increase trips on other modes of public transportation by expanding the
reach of trains and buses.
There have been 3
generations of bike-sharing system over the past 40 years. The first generation
began 1964 in Amsterdam with the Witte Fletsen or White Bikes. Ordinary
bikes painted white were provided for public use. Individual were to find a
bike, ride it to their destination, and leave it for the next user. Things
didn't go as planned, as bikes were thrown into the canals or appropriated for
private use, so the programme collapsed within days.
Nearly 30 years
later, a second generation was launched in Copenhagen called Bycyklen,
or City Bikes, with many improvements over the previous generation. These bikes
were specially designed for intense
utilitarian use with solid rubber tyres, wheels with advertising plates, and
could be picked up and returned at specific locations throughout the central
city with a coin deposit. While more formalised than previous generation- with
stations and an organisation to operate the programme – these bikes still
experienced theft due to the anonymity of the customer.
A new breed of
bike-sharing was seen soon after in 1996 at Portsmouth University in England
with Bikeabout. This involved using a magnetic stripe card which the student
would swipe to rent a bike. This and the following third generation systems
were 'smartened' with a variety of technological improvements including
electronically locking racks or bike locks, telecommunication systems, smart
cards, mobile phone access and on-board computers. Bike sharing grew slowly in
the following years until the launch of Velo'v in Lyon, France caused a
bike-sharing, Lyon wasn't a bike-friendly city – only 1.5% of trips were made by bikes. After Lyon created
more bike facilities and introduced its Velo'v programme in 2005,
bicycling increased as more felt safer cycling. Bike traffic has jumped around
500% since the launch of Velo'v with one quarter of this increase coming
from bike-sharing. Velo'v reported 1.5million km travelled by customers in June
2008, and 36 million km since the programme inception in 2005. This equates to
7,260 tons of CO2. saved for the same distance travelled by
As the success of
the France's second city became known, the capital took note. In 2007, Paris
launched it owns bike-sharing programme, Vélib' , with about 10,600 bikes soon expanded to
20,600 bikes. This massive undertaking and its better than expected success
changed the course of bike-sharing history and generated enormous interest in
this transit mode around the world.
To date,
bike-sharing programmes have been offered as a bonus to local governments by
advertising companies, such as the big three of JCDecaux, Clear Channel and
Cemusa. The municipality gets a bike-sharing programme run by the advertising
company while they gain locations for their adverts in public space. It's a
convenient deal for governments who can't afford to provide the service
As the demand for
bike-sharing increased, more companies became involved in the industry and
created their own technologies. Many of the new systems have no
advertising component, but rather
require direct subsidy from the local government in addition to user fees to be
financially sustainable. These new bike-sharing systems allow jurisdictions and
universities either with population too small to make advertising profitable or
where advertising on public space is prohibited, to consider launching their
own services.
As we approach 100
bike-sharing programmes worldwide with as many as 10 times this planned, the
future of bike-sharing is bright. Gerald Collomb, the President of Greater
Lyon, said, “there are two type of mayors; those who have bike-sharing and
those who want bike-sharing.” This certainly seems to be the case as each
bike-sharing programme creates more interest in this form of transit- call it a
virtuous cycle.
Europe certainly
has the lion's share of programmes due to forward-thinking elected officials
and a greater commitment tocycling in general, but the ideas is finally taking hold elsewhere. In the
east, New Zealand realised three programmes this year and China one. North
America saw its first couple of programmes late this past summer with the
launch of Washington, DC's programme, followed by three additional programmes
in Denver, Minneapolis, Montreal. Each bike fleet was small, but plans for the
four cities include expansion. Many other cities and universities throughout
North America are in the process of selecting their bike-sharing vendor. South
America's first bike-sharing programme opens in
November in Rio de Janeiro with a handful of others for 2009, including
Buenos Aires and Santiago. The Middle East should see its first programme soon
in Tel Aviv, and Melbourne and Brisbane
are on their way in Australia.
As the price of
fuel continuous to rise, traffic congestion worsens, population grows, and a
greater world-wide consciousness arises around the climate change, it will be
even more necessary for leaders around the world to find modes of
transportation to move people in environmentally sound, efficient and
economically feasible ways. Fortunately, bike sharing fits these needs and not
a moment too soon. Not a panacea, as bike-sharing is a complementary mode of
transport and another tool in the toolbox of public transportation.
![]() |
Fig.7: Vélib' Bikes of Paris, France

Fig. 8: Oybike in London, UK
6.1.1 Bike-sharing’s Impacts
Bike-sharing has
had profound affects
on creating a
larger cycling population, increasing transit use,
decreasing greenhouse gases, and improving public health. It has had the affect
of raising bike mode share between 1.0 - 1.5 percent in cities with pre-existing
low cycling use.
Cycle mode share
in Barcelona was
0.75 per-cent in 2005 and increased
to 1.76 percent in 2007, the year Bicing was launched (Romero 2008). In Paris,
cycle mode share increased from about 1 percent in 2001 to 2.5
percent in 2007,
the year Vélib’
was launched (Nadal
2007; City of
Paris 2007). Cycle facility improvements were
made in both
cities during these
time periods; however, it is difficult to extract the affects the new
facilities had on cycle use.
use increases in cities with bike-sharing due to the new bike transit trips,
improved connectivity to
other modes of
transit due to
the first mile/last
mile solution bike-sharing helps solve, and decreased personal vehicle
trips. While bike-sharing trips do replace some trips previously made on other
modes of transit (50 percent in the case of Velo’v in Lyon), “[t]he loss of
customers for public transport services
is quite low
as many users
are still holders
of a public
transport pass” (NICHES 2007).
The City of
Paris reported 50
million trips made
by Vélib’ in its
first two years. In 2008, 28 percent of the survey respondents were less likely
to use their personal vehicle; in 2009, this increased to 46 percent. In 2008,
21 percent of survey respondents used Vélib’ to reach the subway, train, or
bus, and 25 percent used Vélib’ on the return trip from other transit modes. In
2009, 28 percent used Vélib’ to begin and to end their multi-leg transit trip
(City of Paris 2008, 2009).
Many bike-sharing
programs take pride
in their environmental
contribution. Montreal’s Bixi proudly states that its program has saved
over 3,000,000 pounds of greenhouse gases since inception in May 2009 (Bixi
2009a). Lyon states that its program, which launched in 2005, has saved the
equivalent of 18,600,000 pounds of CO2
pollution from the
atmosphere (Greater Lyon
2009). The public
health benefits of bike-sharing
have yet to
be analyzed; however,
the health benefits of
cycling are well-known
(Andersen et al.
2000; Cavill and
Davis 2006; Shepard 2008).
6.1.2 Models of Provision

Since bike-sharing’s inception,
various models of
provision have existed
(Büh-rmann 2008). As illustrated
in Figure 2,
bike-sharing providers have
included governments,
quasi-governmental transport agencies,
universities, non-profits,
advertising companies, and
for-profits. This section
discusses the benefits
and detriments of each model.
the government model, the locality operates the bike-sharing service as it
would any other transit service. The government of Burgos, Spain, purchased and
oper-ates an off-the-shelf
bike-sharing system called
Bicibur (Civitas 2009).
With this model, the government
as operator has greater control over the program. On the other hand, it may not
have the experience that existing bike-sharing operators have in managing a
program. Also, the government maintains the liability for the program, which
can be less desirable from a government’s perspective. The transport
agency model has
a quasi-governmental organization
providing the service. The
transport agency’s customer
is a jurisdiction,
region, or nation. Transport agencies,
such as Deutsche
Bahn of Germany
and Stationnement de Montréal, are prime examples. Deutsche Bahn
is the national railway provider of Germany and operates a car-sharing and Call
a Bike bike-sharing service. Station-nement de Montréal, the parking authority
of Montréal, provides “management of municipal
paid on-street and
off-street parking” and
the Bixi bike-sharing service. Both organizations have
gotten into bike-sharing as an extension of their other transport offerings to be
a well-rounded mobility provider (Deutsche Bahn 2009; Stationnement de Montréal
benefit of the quasi-government transport agency model is that the
jurisdic-tion benefits from the experience and innovation of the bike-sharing
service pro-vider, especially in the case of national Deutsche Bahn, without
needing to develop the capabilities internally.
Additionally, both the
jurisdiction and transport agency’s top priority is to provide
a useful transit service, rather than generating revenues, which is discussed
in more detail below as a detriment in the advertising company and
for-profit models. A
detriment of this
model is that,
without the locality releasing a
tender for the service, a more qualified operator may exist than the transport
agency operator.
university model has the educational institution providing the service, most
likely in a campus setting. Examples are the former program at the University
of Portsmouth, England, and newer incarnations such as that of St. Xavier
University in Chicago (Black and Potter undated; DeMaio 2008b). The benefit of
this model is the university
can expand its
intra-campus transit service
without relying on the jurisdiction to offer sufficient
bike-sharing service on campus. A detriment is the surrounding jurisdiction
potentially would not benefit from the service unless it was
opened to the
adjacent neighborhoods. Also,
if the locality
were to use another system, there could be
compatibility issues with the university’s system.
non-profit model has an organization which was either expressly created for the
operation of the service or one that folds the bike-sharing service into its
exist-ing interests. Examples of non-profit programs include the City Bike
Foundation of Copenhagen, which operates Bycyklen, and the Nice Ride Minnesota
program in Minneapolis (City Bike Foundation of Copenhagen undated; Nice Ride
Minnesota 2009). While the non-profit operates the program, it usually receives
funding from the jurisdiction for the service it provides to the public in
addition to collecting the revenues generated by membership and usage fees and
sponsorships (Nice Ride Minnesota 2009). The non-profit model benefits the
locality as it removes liability from it and places the liability on the
non-profit which has limited funding and is less likely to be sued. A detriment
of this model is the non-profit can be reliant on the public sector for a
majority of its funding (Nice Ride Minnesota 2009).
the advertising company model, companies such as JCDecaux, Clear Chan-nel
Outdoor, and Cemusa offer a bike-sharing program to a jurisdiction, usually in
exchange for the right to use public space to display revenue-generating
advertisements on billboards,
bus shelters, and
kiosks. The benefit
of this model
is it can be convenient and
cost-effective for local governments that could not afford to provide
the bike-sharing service
otherwise. To date,
this model has
been the most popular. A
detriment with the advertising company model is the problem of moral hazard.
The advertising company usually does not benefit from revenues generated by
the system, as the revenues
usually go to
the jurisdiction, so the
advertising company may not have the same incentive to operate the program as
if the revenues were directly related to their level of service, regardless of
what they agreed to in a service contract. This is highlighted in Paris by the
statement by the director general of JCDecaux that its contract with Paris is
unsustainable due to the unexpectedly high level of theft and vandalism the
program has experienced:
simple. All the receipts go to the city. All the expenses are ours” (BBC 2009).
In one
case in particular,
the advertising company
provides the bike-sharing service for
a fee and
not for an
advertising contract. In
Barcelona, B:SM (Barce-lona
de Serveis Municipals),
a company owned
by the city,
has contracted with Clear
Channel Outdoor to
operate the service
(Barcelona de Serveis
Municipals undated). This model is more similar to the transport provider
model, as the con-tractor happens to be an advertising company but its
advertising services are not used.
the for-profit model, a private company provides the service with limited or no
government involvement. Nextbike is a prime example of this model, with a local
business running the service in a locality with the off-the-shelf flexible
station sys-tem. While similar to the advertising company model, this model
differs as there is no on-street advertising contract with the locality and the
for-profit keeps all revenues generated. A benefit of this model is that the
private sector can start a service as an entrepreneurial activity rather than
wait for the public sector to do so. A detriment is that the for-profit may not
receive funding assistance for the service as do programs offered under other
models. Additionally, if the for-profit uses a fixed, versus flexible, system,
they would need to have the locality’s support
use public space, unless all stations are on private property.
is no one ideal model that works best in all jurisdictions. There are factors
that affect which models can be used and include the size of the jurisdiction
and availability of both bike-sharing systems able to operate in the country
and local entrepreneurs to run the program. The size of a jurisdiction is an
important factor, as the predominant
model of advertising
companies providing bike-sharing
service tends to be mostly in larger cities where the potential for
views of advertising, and therefore advertising revenue, is the greatest.
Demand for
bike-sharing has been
around longer in
Europe than in
other con-tinents, and the
bike-sharing industry has grown more quickly, which has led to a more rapid
growth of programs in European countries. From the continent to the national
level, home-grown systems
generally dominate in
the countries in which
they are headquartered. For
example, Bicincitta’ is
headquartered in Italy and has the majority of programs
offered there. Both Call a Bike and nextbike are headquartered in Germany and
have the majority of programs there. The German government’s subsidization of
Deutsche Bahn, which offers the Call a Bike service, also has an effect on its
growth nationally.
6.1.3 Costs
The capital
and annual operating
costs of programs
vary greatly, depending
on the system, population
density, service area,
and fleet size.
Capital costs include fabrication of the bikes and
stations, license or purchase of the back-end system used to operate the
equipment, member access cards (if necessary), purchase or rental of
maintenance and distribution
vehicles, and installation.
Clear Channel Outdoor’s SmartBike
system is estimated to have capital costs of around $3,600 per bicycle; JCDecaux’s
Cyclocity system is estimated at $4,400 per bicycle; and Bixi is estimated to
be $3,000 per bicycle (New York City Department of City Planning 2009). Nice
Ride Minnesota is planning to launch in 2010 using Bixi and estimates $3,200
per bike (Twin Cities Bike Share 2008).
Operating costs
include maintenance, distribution,
staff, insurance, office
space, storage facilities, website hosting and maintenance, and
electricity (if necessary). New York City’s analysis of several systems
concludes an average operating cost of about $1,600 per bicycle (New York City
Department of City Planning 2009). Minneapolis expects the same (Twin Cities
Bike Share 2008).
6.1.4 Bike-sharing’s 4th Generation
will the 4th generation of bike-sharing look like? As the 3rd generation of
bike-sharing brought about
smartening of the
concept with smartcards,
mobile phones, and kiosks
with screens, the
hallmark of the
4th generation will
be improved efficiency,
sustainability, and usability.
This is being
accomplished by improving
distribution of bikes, installation, powering of stations, tracking, offer-ing
pedalec (pedal assistance) bikes, and new business models.
6.1.5 Improved Distribution
of bikes must improve to make the bike-sharing service more efficient and environmentally friendly.
Staff moving bikes
from areas of
high supply/low demand to areas
of low supply/high demand is time consuming, expensive, and polluting. Programs
will create “push” and “pull” stations which will either encour-age trips to
leave or arrive, respectively, at these stations based on the demand for bikes.
Incentives will include free time, credit, or cash. Vélib’ has made an
improvement in this area with the launch of its “V+” concept, reports Velib et
Moi - Le Blog. As it requires more physical effort and time for cus-tomers to
reach uphill stations, V+ gives an extra 15 minutes to access about 100 of
these designated uphill stations. The extra time given has encouraged greater
use of these stations. Within the first three months of V+ being offered in
Summer 2008, 314,443 instances
of 15-minute credits
were given. These
extra 15-minute bonuses also may
be saved up when not used during the trip to the V+ station (Vélib’ 2008). Free
bike-on-transit capabilities adjacent to specific stations could also assist in
pushing bikes uphill where bike-sharers could board another mode of transit.
Luud Schimmelpennick, a co-inventor of the bike-sharing concept, reports the
operational cost of JCDecaux’s distribution of bicycles is about $3 each
(Schim-melpennick 2009). He believes paying customers for distribution to
stations that need more bikes, either through providing a customer credit
towards future use or paying the customer outright, would increase distribution
efficiency at a fraction of the present cost.
6.1.6 Ease of Installation
Installing a
station takes time
and is costly,
with removal of
asphalt or pavers, undergrounding of the structure and
wires, hook-up to a nearby electrical source, and replacement of building
materials. Public Bike System has limited this expense with its “technical
platform,” which is the bike-sharing station’s base and houses the wires for
its bike dock and pay station. The technical platform is placed on the ground
without need for construction, as its weight and minimal bolting to the ground
are sufficient to keep it in place (Public Bike System undated)
6.1.7 Powering Stations
powering of stations has generally been with underground wiring to the near-est
electrical source. This is expensive, time consuming, and affects where
stations may be located. It also prohibits the easy relocation of the station
due to the cost.
has incorporated solar panels to remove the need for underground
electrifi-cation, as have Bicincitta’ and B-cycle (Bixi 2009b, Bicincitta’
2009a, B-cycle 2009). Bixi also incorporates
rechargeable batteries to
provide assistance should
there not be enough solar energy for days at a time (Ayotte 2009).
6.1.8 Tracking
tracking of bikes during use with implanted global positioning system (GPS)
devices will allow for improved data collection of favorite bike routes and
quantifi-cation of vehicle miles traveled. Presently, many systems collect
“as-the-crow-flies” data, which is a straight line between a customer’s origin
and destination but may not accurately show the true distance of the bike trip.
Also, GPS could allow for improved collection of stolen bikes.
6.1.9 Pedal Assistance
everyone has the leg strength to ride a bike, especially in hilly areas.
Pedelec, or electric pedal
assistance bikes, will
allow those who
would not otherwise
be physically able, to give bike-sharing a try. Just as buses have added
kneeling and wheelchair features to open themselves up to passengers with
disabilities, electric pedal assistance moves bike-sharing to a wider audience.
A bike-sharing fleet need not be composed entirely of pedalec bikes, but rather
a percentage of vehicles for this
purpose to lower
the barrier for
a portion of the population.
Systems that use pedalecs are in
Genoa and Monaco, both programs of Bicincitta’ (Bicincitta’ 2009b, Avenir du
Vehicule Electrique Mediterraneen 2008).
6.1.10 Business Model
the demand for bike-sharing increases, the models of provision will continue to
experience growth. New bike-sharing system vendors have sprung up in the
industry and created their own systems, such as nextbike, Bixi, Veloway, and
Many of
these systems have
no outdoor advertising
component but rather
can be purchased by
a local operator.
These systems are
allowing jurisdictions and universities with populations too small
to make outdoor advertising profitable or where advertising on public space is
prohibited to consider launching their own bike-sharing services
Why do we need a publicly shared bicycle
is under the administration of Pakatan Rakyat, it has limited funds and
resources to go for big huge transportation project like LRT or PORR. Therefore
transport solutions may not be suitable for Penang. The conventional bus system
can not provide sufficient routes coverage, it tend to ply on lucrative routes in the State. We need to note that
there is not a single bus operator which
will regularly and faithfully service unprofitable routes as a matter of public
service. We
need a solution to make up the shortfall to solve the problem of last mile to
end a trip and to provide an alternative way of travel mode. A BRT complement by bicycles and pedestrian
travel is the only cost effective and efficient alternative we should look
forward to.
6.3 Where should we
6.3.1 Ride and cycle scheme for the
Northwestern coastline
the northwestern coastline are
some of the fine beaches on the island. Lining the coastline are abundant seafront
lodgings ranging from simple budget-friendly A-frame huts to sprawling
five-star luxury ventures with guestrooms that face the ocean and offer
breathtaking views. The townships along the coastline are the main tourist
attractions and the destinations of choice for retirees and those looking for a
laidback second home under Malaysia My Second Home programme.
The stretch along the northwestern
coastline from Telok Pahang
to midway of Tanjung Bungah is consider as “cul-de-sac” (a dead end road). The
sprouting high rises development in this area threaten to create a traffic
nightmare along the narrow coastline road. The worsening traffic will have devastating effect on the local tourism industry. The proposal to build a tunnel is unrealistic as it is
ecologically, economically and politically too expensive. A BRT complement by a publicly
shared bicycle programme with help to lessen the traffic.
“Tourists get
to experience a city more up close when they're biking. They can smell the
aromas of the bakeries and enjoy urban life, rather than be frustrated about
being stuck in traffic and worried about where to find parking.” -Paul DeMaio
Tourism improves when visitors can rely on the local transit network,
including bike-sharing, rather than needing a car rental or taxi. The local government and the
residents would welcome the BRT and the bike sharing system because of the
positive impact on tourism as well as the positive impact through the
reinvestment of revenue in the community.
6.3.2 Park and cycle scheme for Gurney Drive
Drive, or Persiaran Gurney, is a seaside promenade. The road is also one
Penang’s most popular tourist destinations among locals as well as foreigner.
During the daytime, the traffic at this stretch of road is not heavy. But the evening’s
traffic is a nightmare due the narrow space caused by side parking.
The state
government should eliminate all the side parking lots and provide cycle lane to
ease the traffic.
The state government should
introduce a Park and Cycle scheme with a bicycle sharing system (also known as:
community bicycle programs, on-street bike rental, yellow bicycle programs,
white bicycle programs, public bikes, or free bikes) in which numbers of
bicycles are made available for shared use by individuals who do not own them.
The state government should
encourage private car parks along Jalan Sultan Ahmad Shah to participate in
this Park and Cycle scheme especially after office hour. Private cars should be
directed to park at those car parks and cycle to Gurney drive with publicly
shared bicycles.
The state
government can turn Persiaran Gurney into one way street between 500pm and 10pm
for private vehicle, only allow traffic flow from the direction of the round
about towards Jalan Sultan Ahmad Shah. The other direction of the road can be
used as BRT and cycle lane.
6.3.3 Ride and cycle scheme for George Town
Parts of
George Town are fast losing their charm. This has turned George Town into a
ghost town after 6pm.
The way
to rejuvenate George Town is to introduce a Ride and Cycle scheme. Tourists as
well as locals can take the free Penang Central Areas Transit to Komtar, Weld
Quay Terminal or Esplanade and take a
publicly shared bicycle to tour the various part of George Town.
By 8pm,
parts of the city will be deserted, the deserted streets make commuting much
easier, it is quite safe to cycle around the central town at night.
effort will not only rejuvenate George Town, it will also help rejuvenate
Komtar which will act as the main bicycle sharing library. To further
rejuvenate Komtar, turn the under utilised Komtar into a budget hotel for
backpackers. The backpackers will tend to use the publicly shared bicycles and BRT for their travelling.
Park and cycle
scheme for Youth Park and Botanical Garden
Limited the car parks at Youth
Park and Botanical Garden to the disable and elderly. Classified both areas as
towing zone. Install publicly shared bicycles. All cars should park at the
Caring Society Complex or Midland One Stop.
From Caring Society Complex, a cyclist can cycle
to Persiaran Kuari via Jalan Sepoy Line, Jalan Ayer Rajah, Jalan Brown and
Jalan utama. Those are the routes which have light traffic as it is in a posh
housing area. The same apply to the routes one can take from Midland One Stop
Shopping Mall where you can enter Jalan Brown and cycle towards the Youth Park.
With a bit of modification to existing roads
to ensure safety and right of way for the bicycles, we will be able to make the
areas around both the Youth Park and the Botanical Garden a cycling friendly
The publicly shared bicycles at the Midland
One Stop Shopping Mall can be used for Gurney Drive as well.
and cycle scheme for industrial zones
The suitable places where
segregated cycle facilities can be introduced in Penang are the industrial
zones, whether it is in the main land or the island. Majority of the road
shoulders of the industrial zones have sufficient setback which can turn into
bicycle lanes. The segregated cycle facilities should be extended to the nearby
housing areas. This will encourage the factories to arrange factory workers to
stay at nearby housing estates thus eliminate the need for long distance
Majority of the foreign labors as
well as the locals are used to cycling. With the segregated cycle facilities
properly setup where the safety of cyclists is being emphasis, the promotion
for cycling will be made easy. If feasible publicly
shared bicycle programmes can be deployed too for those who take the BRT to
work. This will not only help the
factory worker, it also help to reduce the burden of investors in providing
transportation for the workers.
Pilot Programme
According to New York bike-sharing
master plan, past experience show that a small “pilot” bike-share program would
be unsuccessful. Evidence from bike-share programs around
the world suggests that small programs do not provide meaningful
transportation, health or economic development gains nor do they provide a
significant basis from which the city could evaluate the effectiveness of the
program. In a city which is densely populated, small pilots in particular pose
problems because the program coverage area would be insufficient to warrant
bicycle use.
SmartBike in Washington DC provides valuable
lessons about the difficulties posed by small pilots. With 120 bicycles spread
out over 10 bike-staons, the bike-staons are hard to find unless one knows
where to look. Washington has not seen transportation benefits from the
program. In contrast, Velib’ opened its doors with 10,000 bicycles and then six
months later doubled the number of bicycles to cover the whole city, allowing
the program to see immediate transportation gains (5% reduction in automobile
traffic in the first year). Six months
afer Velib’ opened it was credited with helping Paris weather the multi-day
transit strike in the winter of 2007.
Because SmartBike is too small to generate large
revenues from membership or use fees, expansion options for the program are
also limited. Velib’ opened with 13,000 annual subscribers, €377,000 in starting
revenue. In contrast, SmartBike opened with 250 annual subscriptions for
initial revenue of $10,000. The small
number of bicycles makes one day passes infeasible and has led program
operators to consider liming the number of annual passes. Thus tourists or
potential riders who are unwilling to commit immediately to an annual pass
cannot use SmartBike.
In contrast, Paris sold 2.5 million one day
passes in the first 6 months alone, dramatically changing how many tourists
explore Paris and generating significant revenues. In Penang, the state’s
ability to develop a bike-share program is dependent on starting at the right
scale. It need funding mechanisms, such
as membership and user fees, which depend on volume, to pick up the slack.
6.4.1 Programme
size and extent
to New York bike-sharing master plan, Bike-share programmes that are financially self-sufficient tend to be
larger programs that can take advantage of volume-based funding mechanisms such
as advertising or membership fees, and focused around densely populated or
highly trafficked area where bicycles and bike-stations can be used by the
maximum number of people. In many cases, this combination of attributes also
creates programmes which see significant transportation and health benefits. In
contrast, small programmes, and programmes that are placed in low density/less
trafficked areas, do not typically produce the revenues required to be
financially self-sustaining. These programs provide few, if any, transportation
or health benefits. Purely recreational programmes, similar to bike rentals
currently offered by private companies such as Metro-Bike, likewise fail to
provide needed positive transportation or health impacts.
A high bike-station density (28-30
stations/square mile or 10-13 stations/square km) is necessary for bike-share
programs because it allows users to find and return bicycles easily. In lower
density areas this bike-station density may be financially infeasible. In some
lower density areas, it may be more cost effective to encourage bicycling by
increasing the quantity and quality of personal bicycle parking facilities
rather than by introducing a bike-share program.
For the initial phase, the planned stations and
number of bikes should be as follows:
Number of Stations
Number of Bikes
Telok Pahang
Batu Ferrighi
Tanjung Bungah
Tanjong Tokong
Gurney Drive
Jalan Sultan Ahmad
Youth Park
Botanical Garden
Caring Society
One Stop Shopping
George Town
Weld Quay
BRT stations
Assuming average
cost of $3500 per bike
$42 million or
RM126 million
Transit Oriented Development
Penang Transit faces a peculiar problem of serious lack of
transit stations , this is a unique problem that no other transit planner ever
face. It is common sense to expect the building and setup of transit stations
in any transit planning. Land normally will be allocated to build the
infrastructure. The built environment of Penang is so bad that there is hardly
any available land that can be used as a transit station unless the state
government go for forced land acquisition. Without transit stations it will
make transfer and interchange a difficult task for commuters.
state government intention to increase the development density to 87 unit per
acre without any transit supporting plan is also not well received by
With the
type of predicaments we face, we need to adopt transit oriented development to
force developers to build transit stations for high density development. Transit Oriented Development, or TOD, is the creation of
compact, walkable communities centered around high quality transit systems.
This makes it possible to live a higher quality life without complete
dependence on a car for mobility and survival.
A TOD neighborhood typically has a
center with a transit station or stop (train station, metro station, tram
stop, or bus
stop), surrounded by relatively
high-density development with progressively lower-density development spreading
outward from the center.
the last 5 years, the performance of Lim Guan Eng administration is not up to
the marks. With his controversial penchant for development and his total
reliance on developers on properties centric development without any transit
oriented land use policy, Penang has witness the sprouting of high rise
buildings that threaten to turn the island into a big ghetto. It is now time
for Lim Guan Eng to buck up especially
on issues related to public transportation and high density development. This
initiative will provide him a blueprint on how to improve the public
transportation and solving the issues of high density development. A genuine
transit solution that make Penang livable and accessible is the elixir of growth that will truly
transform Penang
into an international and intelligent city. It will also propel the tourism
industry to a new heights.
Bus Rapid Transit Planning
Guide, IDTP.
Well put. Good work Eu Soon.
ReplyDeleteExcellent study for Penang folks benefit